Topic Can we trust what the Bible says about Jesus?Yes, the picture of Jesus that is given to us in the Can we trust what the Bible says about Jesus?
Topic Did Jesus really rise from the dead?Yes, He did. It is the core of our faith. Jesus was Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
Topic Why did Jesus have to die?When God created this world and its inhabitants, it was brimming with Why did Jesus have to die?
Topic How can Jesus be God and Son of God at the same time?There are some things in the Bible that are easy to understand. How can Jesus be God and Son of God at the same time?
God What is the character of God?You get to know someone by seeing what he does with his What is the character of God?
God Does God love unconditionally?No. God hates the wicked (Psalm 11:5). When the Lord Jesus comes Does God love unconditionally?
God Why does God allow suffering?Many have been puzzled by the suffering we see in our world. Why does God allow suffering?
God What does it mean that God is almighty?od is almighty or, to use a difficult word, omnipotent. This word What does it mean that God is almighty?